Ábaton Portable Home

Tiny house inspiration sometimes comes from the most unusual sources. As it turns out, the company behind our Barcelona aparthotel, Erik Vökel, has a pretty great blog. They recently profiled the award-winning portable home by Spanish design studio Ábaton – The ÁPH80.

I feel like Spanish design flies a bit under the radar, but there were loads of drool-worthy design stores in Barcelona. I would generally describe their aesthetic as contemporary warmth. Clean lines are common, as are natural materials. They combine to create a homey feel without a lot of clutter, which is perfect for small house living.

This home leans more to the rustic side. I think it would be perfect perched on a little plot of land overlooking the ocean. Roll it in…

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Open her up…

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It’s definitely compact, but plenty of shelter and cooking space for a weekend getaway.

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RF’s probably wondering where we’d put the tv, but we often end up watching movies on our laptop when we’re away.

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Wonder if you could pop a mini-split into that end wall? I don’t see much in the way of heating/cooling.

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I would definitely maximize the surrounding outdoor space with some reclining lounge chairs to one side and Adirondacks around a fire pit to the other.

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And yes, please throw in a herd of sheep!!

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Memorial Day

So thankful for all of the women who have served our country. It’s a noble job regardless of gender, but I think there’s an extra level of courage and sacrifice when tackling a profession not typically perceived as female. So, to all the kick-ass service women…I salute you!

Friday Finds


What are your plans for the long weekend? I’m working on a site that’s launching next Wednesday, so I suspect that at least some work will be on the agenda. But, we’re headed to SIFF tonight, and will be barbecuing with friends on Monday. Looks like rain in the forecast over the next couple of days, so perhaps we’ll see this movie – looks pretty silly. I also just started this book, and hear great things about this show – so, perhaps some welcome down time is in my future.



If you’re in Seattle, you should join us at SIFF tonight for the screening of our friend Mark Tapio Kines’ short film, 20 Matches. It’s playing as part of the The Devil’s Brood program, billed as “miniature masterpieces of terror, suspense, and the supernatural.” I’m not generally a fan of horror flicks, so wish me luck. I’m prepared to bury my face in RF’s shoulder…




Did you see this story about Henry Heimlich? Apparently, he had never actually used his famous Heimlich Maneuver, until recently. At age 96, he rescued a woman from choking at his retirement facility. Talk about your whole life being preparation for one moment! Did you know that you can also perform the Heimlich Maneuver on dogs and cats?




Whoa! To say that I’m not a fan of Las Vegas is a pretty gross understatement, but I might need to plan a trip just to see the Seven Magic Mountains. There are plenty of other Non-Vegas Things to Do in Vegas… Our friend MTW even swears by the vegan dining scene. Still skeptical.


Now Watching: States of Undress

Now Reading: We’re Looking for Writers to Create Internet Content

Now Listening: Caroline Smith


Totes Ma Quotes

I have a Zara bag for work, but I’m constantly bemoaning not having a simple tote to pop my laptop into when I’m just headed to a cafe. There are so many fun and quippy ones out there these days. (Society6 has some of the best!) Plus, most are inexpensive enough that I could have several on hand to match my  mood du jour.

These are the current frontrunners – links clockwise from top left.


TurtlesSoup | Emily McDowell | Forever21 | Society6



Look Human | H&M | Asos | RedBubble



ZazzleGraceSerendipityShop | Beyonce | Target

Kill the Spoilers!

Brace Yourself

Funny, right? If only there were an app that would insert this meme directly into all the spoily social media posts, GoT or otherwise.

I generally steer clear of rants here on YoM – which, btw, RF claims to be a flaw. He thinks that rants sell. Well, fine. Here you go! One GIANT RANT because I simply cannot let this one go!!

A complete a*hole ruined GoT for me this past week. Who are these great geniuses who actually think they’re vaguebooking, with all their “Awwww” and crying emoji. You do realize that, even if you haven’t actually detailed every scene of a show, you can still ruin it for the rest of us. No? Well, I’ve told you, so stop!

Still don’t understand why I’m making a big deal? Allow me to explain.

The Performance/Expectation Conundrum

You see, satisfaction in any given scenario compares expectations with actual performance. Here’s a little chart to help you understand. P (that’s performance) needs to be greater than E (yes, expectation) for the result to be Delight. Sadly, that’s really hard when you’ve shared your opinions such that E is already off the charts.


This is reason numero uno why I don’t like to hear much about tv shows or movies before I see them. When all of my friends tell me that a movie is frickin’ hilarious, really high expectations begin to build in my mind before I even buy the ticket. Once I’m sitting in that comfy seat, popcorn in hand, lights dimming, that movie had better deliver some serious laughs or I’m going to be pissed.

Same goes for GoT. When I hear that it’s going to be awesome, or devastating, or intense, or whatever…my expectations suddenly set up the experience to be a letdown.

The (Kill)Joy of Anticipation

Anticipation is the process of imaginative speculation about the future. There are studies suggesting that the anticipation of an experience delivers greater satisfaction than the experience itself. Travel is the typical example, where planning and looking forward to the trip actually provide the greatest thrill.

While expectation is what is considered most likely to happen, anticipation is what we would most like to happen. (Go ahead, take a minute to take that in. If you’re the kind of person who posts spoilers…well, let’s be honest, I lost you long ago…but, if you are still here, it’s going to take you some time to absorb that concept.) Very similar, and yet totally different.

In the context of Game of Thrones, for instance, I have learned that it’s nearly impossible to formulate valid expectations. And yet, there is great joy (at least for me) in anticipating what the complex web of storylines will deliver from week to week. The conversation begins immediately after each episode, tends to wane throughout the week, but builds again in the hours preceding the next episode. Any hint as to the actual storyline prior to viewing immediately bursts the anticipatory bubble, thereby destroying all anticipant joy.

You, Mr/s Spoily McSpoilerpants make that happen! And no, it’s not something to be proud of.

West Coast is Best Coast

I’ve lived on both coasts, and even in the middle, so I can claim with reasonable authority that the West Coast is the Best Coast, yo.


You East Coasters might think you have the advantage because TV shows air 3 hours ahead of when they do here. I hate to break it to you – we can stream shows like GoT when they air for you. But why?! The sun doesn’t set here in Seattle until after 8:30 at this time of year. Do you think we’re just dying to get inside and watch GoT at 6 pm? What’s wrong with you?! It’s not even like I’m waiting 3 days, or 2 weeks, to watch. The scheduled airtime seems beyond reasonable.

But yes, that gives you great power. You’ve seen the show. You have the feels. You want to share. But, with that great power comes great responsibility…to not be a Biggie to my 2Pac! I will bust caps. (Chill out, NSA…it’s a metaphor.)

What Can You Do?

  1. Stay off of social media! What, do we have to set up some old school listservs so you can work through your feels with viewers in your time zone? Or, can you actually keep your emotions in check and offline?
  2. If you REALLY MUST declare your angst on Facebook, no matter how vague, at least do it AFTER a [SPOILER ALERT] notice. I mean, really, is that so hard?!
  3. Go outside and play! Honestly, none of us should be watching so much TV. The more we save those episodes for a rainy day, the fewer spoilers there will be.

Mostly, just don’t be a jerk!

Hang It Up!

Living in a small house leaves few spots for potted houseplants. I also don’t like to leave pots where fuzzy critters can knock them over or nibble leaves. Thankfully, there are lots of fun and stylish hanging solutions.

West Elm: M.F.E.O. Jungalow Hanging Planter

West Elm

Urban Outfitters: Assembly Home Eos Hanging Planter

UO Assembly

General Store: Kelly Lamb Geodesic Hanging Planter

General Store

Food52: Textured Ceramic and Brass Hanging Planters


CB2: Page Hanging Planter


Uncommon Goods: Coral Carved Hanging Planter

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Moorea Seal: Quiet Clementine Yellow Hanging Vase

Moorea Seal

Terrain: Woven Diamond Hanging Pot

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Dwell: Farrah Sit Light + Ladder Hanging Planter


A+R: Patrick Morris Sky Planter


And, if you need a place to hang your pots…

IKEA: Användbar Hanging Tray


Monday Meals: Why haven’t we ever been to…?


We are the worst about food ruts. Certainly when it comes to cooking at home, but also with restaurants. We have our favorites and rarely veer too far off course.

When my friend JC visited, I was completely embarrassed to tell him that we had never been to many of the interesting looking restaurants he asked about as we drove around town. The minute something new opens, he and his husband are there! I wish I could say the same. Alas, I guess RF and I are greater creatures of habit than I realized. So, we’re trying to change that. Especially given this…

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OMG. So true!!

Yesterday evening, RF’s answer was a burger. So, I said that we should try someplace new. There are SO MANY BURGER PLACES around town. And yet, we tend to hover around just two – Five Guys, for the quick and easy burger , and Eureka! for a sit-down burger experience. I enjoy Eureka’s Fresno Fig Burger – but, tbh, the burger patty is really nothing special, and the preparation is highly unpredictable.

So, which new place would we choose? It was easy to come up with a list within walking distance or a short ride: Great StateRain City BurgersTeddy’s Bigger Burgers, the In-n-Out knockoff CaliBurger. After many Yelp searches and much debate (this is probably why we don’t try new things!) we finally settled on Uneeda Burger in Fremont. The reviews were solid, the pictures drool-inducing, and they offer a gluten-free bun. I don’t totally mind going bunless, but it is somewhat counter to the whole burger experience.


For our introductory experience, we both opted for the Classic Burger – a quarter-pound patty of all-natural Painted Hills beef with romaine, tomato, pickles, and special sauce. You can add an extra patty, bacon, cheddar, or fried egg; we opted for cheddar. I also added grilled onions, which were not on the “add” list, but were listed as an ingredient on another burger. The awesome guy behind the counter didn’t bat an eye at my request, so it appears that customization is no bother. He did, however, talk at the speed of a seasoned auctioneer.

We were pretty sure the next steps were to grab drinks, find a table, and raise our hand when our name was called. That turned out to be accurate, and when everything was delivered, I was pretty excited to see this bun.


If you’re gluten-free, you know the bun options are pretty abysmal. No brioche for you! But this bun looked promising. Not exactly brioche, but definitely not your standard Udi’s. The beef looked so moist, the tomatoes were stacked in hefty slices, the caramelly onions overflowed onto my plate…I couldn’t wait to dig in!


Oh, bun…how you failed me! The top was so crispy that I couldn’t sink my teeth into my first bite. It had the consistency of an over-toasted bagel. A bagel chip? So sad. Once I managed to crack off a piece, it was tasty…but best when softened by burger juice. Of which, I will add, there was a lot. The patty was super moist and delicious. Cooked to perfection with just the right amount of seasoning. Plenty to enjoy here – in the future, I’ll just go bunless.


We paired our order with some garlic-cheese fries. Best decision, even though I REALLY wanted a big stack of onion rings. They looked sooooo goooood. The fries hardly disappointed, though. The potatoes were super crisp on the outside without being overdone through the middle. I always worry that there won’t be enough topping to go around, but the garlic was infused through the entire plate, and the cheese grated finely enough that it fell into the cracks and onto the fries below. Can you see that fry flying off the plate at the top? RF couldn’t even wait for me to snap a picture! Little sneak!!


All in all, we had a fantastic Uneeda Burger experience…and, because there were cupcakes at home, we didn’t even taste test the salted caramel shake! I think we have another winner to add to our short list! Although, we also have a long list of other “new” places to try. As it turns out, Uneeda Burger has been around since 2010. Perhaps we should describe our method as a longevity test. If you can survive the Seattle restaurant scene for at least 5 years, we’ll grant you a try.

Friday Finds


True confession: I started the week with a bit of a personal tantrum about my recent lack of work/life balance. With my current combo of freelance and part-time work, it’s very easy to let the work creep into my personal time…to the point of suddenly not having any personal time at all. It seems like a petty thing to complain about right after vacation, but it was actually the post-vacation catch-up that sparked it all. So, I promised myself that I would focus some intention on not letting myself get swept away in that whirlwind, and work on maintaining my boundaries. I kindly reminded my co-workers that Monday is mine. Then, convinced RF to take me to a concert! Life may not be all fun and games…but there should be some of those things too! And, who better to remind me that I slay than Beyonce?

london plane

I’ve tried a variety of subscription boxes – beauty, snacks, CSAs – but my latest obsession is The London Plane’s Larder Share. I doubt I will traverse this path, simply because most food boxes contain a lot of wheaty things that I can only drool over, but it’s so tempting! Every week, a serving of LP‘s sourdough bread, Bar Ferdinand wine, and farmer and forager bounty. Plus, a random assortment of other treasures in each box ranging from cookbooks to spices to packaged goods, or add some fresh eggs and flowers. Divine.


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Lots of cute, fun, snarky goodness at this week’s National Stationary Show, but these wine tags from Chez Gagne really cracked me up. I’ve bought several bottles as gifts recently and would’ve loved having these. Less formal than a wine bag, more festive than nothing.



Speaking of wine, do you have a favorite app for keeping track of the wines you drink and love? I’m the worst at remembering these things! We had a great Temperanillo in Half Moon Bay that I would love to seek out at home. Or was it Montepulciano? See?? I need a tool. Vivino seems very popular, but is it the best. Taking recommendations if you have ’em.




Now Reading: Sleep Makes the Modern Girl (T Magazine)

Now Watching: Balls Deep (Viceland)

Now Listening: Hymn for the Weekend – Coldplay + Seeb


So Crazy Right Now!

Sorry I’m a little behind on my posts. I got a seriously wild hair yesterday and talked RF into taking me to the Beyoncé Formation World Tour. That’s right – Befrickenyoncé!! Because, you know, that’s how we roll.

OK, not really. In all of our years as a couple, RF and I haven’t actually been to very many concerts together because, well, he hates concerts. Not the music, mind you – he loves music. It’s the crowds and the herd mentality and the general jackassery of tens of thousands of people gathering in one place that bother him. So, stadium concerts are especially not his thing. And, Beyoncé? Well, he admitted to knowing maybe two of her songs. But, he’s a stand-up guy, and when his girl wants to see Beyoncé, he gets on StubHub and makes it happen.

Honestly, I’m not 100% sure why I all of the sudden felt the pull. I used to be a much bigger concertgoer, but actually agree with many of RF’s sentiments about the whole experience. Perhaps it’s because we’ve been losing so many music greats lately. What a shame to know that we’ll never experience a live Prince performance. I’ve been planning to see Janet Jackson with my friend JP, but her show has been postponed twice now and who knows if it will ever happen. Not that I think she’s going to die! But it is pretty hard to imagine her heading straight back out on the road after starting a family at 50.

So, we can’t take the greats for granted – and Beyonce ranks right up there at the top of the reigning queens of female anthems. Let’s do this thang!!

But wait… I had my first moment of wtf have I done angst when we were driving to pick up dinner before the concert. It dawned on me that Century Link Field is an open air stadium…and insanely dark clouds were looming. Thankfully, they broke just as we were parking. Crisis averted…for now.


As we worked our way through the massive crowds and past security, I was impressed by how RF was holding up. Not a single person glared at, much less elbowed or punched. Whew.


It took us awhile to weave through the interior of the stadium and find our section. Thankfully, the people watching was on fleek and kept us completely entertained until we FINALLY walked through that tunnel.


This was our view from our seats. So yeah, we were early. I wasn’t going to risk missing anything! (I also thought it would take us a lot longer to find parking…but it turns out it’s not that hard when you’re willing to pony up for a good spot.)


DJ Khaled hit the stage around 8. This is when I broke the news to RF that Bey might not emerge until after 9. The thing about Seattle at this time of year is that it stays light…late. Officially, the sun sets at around 8:45 pm this week. Which, of course, means that there’s light in the sky a solid half hour after that, if not longer. Given the clouds, probably not much longer…but, still late. And, you know Beyoncé’s not hitting the stage without some drama…and that probably wasn’t going to happen until after dark.


So, we waited. This woman played MANY games of solitaire…after she brokered a genius deal with the girls in front of us to move into a better seat towards the center when they all wanted to sit together. She was taking none of their shit. Loved it.


During this long and boring hour, I tried to Instagram, text, check my email. Ha! Cell service in the stadium is crap!! Which is particularly funny because one of my projects this week has been renaming a major carrier’s program to create better cell connections in high-density indoor locations, like stadiums. They need to get on that!

The sun finally set, and skies began to darken. The smoke machines started up and the massive cube began to rotate. The crowd went in.sane.


The first of many filmed segments began. A wild mix of imagery paired with intense flashes and haunting sounds. I didn’t manage to capture it, but a hawk flashed on the screen several times. I thought it would be pretty awesome to snap that hawk in Seahawks stadium. Since I wasn’t confident that I could sneak in a dSLR (good call) my iPhone had to suffice…but fast focus is not its strength. Oh well. Here’s a shot of Bey with an orchid mouth instead.


Wait, I think I see something…is it her? Haha, nope! Dancers. So many dancers. So many hats. But, wait…is that her coming to the front? YES!!!!!


Let the dancing begin!


A costume change, and more dancing. Those legs. All of them, not just Bey’s. To die! Although, I will say that her dancers switched in and out of the lineup throughout the show, but Queen B danced every single note of that high intensity choreography. Sure, she had breaks…but if there was dancing, she was doing it.


Oh, btw…it’s settled. I am officially hiring someone to walk in front of me with a giant fan so that my hair can always be blowing in the wind. (Although, this crazy selfie stick is probably more in my budget.)


So, I have to call out a couple of insanely fierce musicians. There were solos from her drummer and guitarist – both just unreal women who rocked the effing house. Killed it. Seriously.


There were quite a few fun tricks with “the cube” – many of them involved bright light emanating from the center, which was hard to capture. At one point, there were dancers suspended inside, which was quite stunning. This one was just fun.


There were a couple of really beautiful moments where I stood and looked around in awe of being at the center of this wild experience. The first was the explosion of a million tons of confetti. We did end up getting a little bit of rain during the evening, and it shimmered beautifully in all the lights. But I didn’t know that I didn’t know shimmer until that confetti came flowing down. This pic does zero justice. The way the current inside the stadium would pick up the little pieces and toss them around created this sort of suspended animation feel. Gorgeous.


The other was during 1 + 1. Cell phone lights started popping up in a massive phosporescent wave. Even Bey was like, “That’s just beautiful, y’all.” Again, no justice from the picture…but I tried!


There’s no doubt, Beyoncé is the definition of fierce. Even RF admitted, “I get it.” Our only critique was that she needed to loosen the reigns of perfection. Every second felt so precisely choreographed and executed that there was not a single slice of room for error – not even for happy accidents, which are really some of the best moments in life.

Bey, you are a goddess! Look at you!! There is no world in which you are not extraordinarily exceptional – beyond compare. Loosen up a little and let the real fun begin.


Because RF is awesome (which you already knew because I told you how, like always, he jumped right on this madcap bandwagon with me!), he put together a little mix of video snippets we captured for you. Enjoy!!

Beyonce Formation from Ralph Fontaine on Vimeo.

A Bevy of Bungalows

It’s been a while since I’ve searched the states to harvest the hottest of humble homes. So, this week, I present to you the latest cottage crop – a bevy of bungalows that’s sure to suit.

This sunny San Diego stunner has a secret studio!

San Diego

They’re all about Americana in Alexandria.


Whereas Austin is adept at Arts & Crafts.


Portland offers plenty of picture-perfect pads.


While Phoenix prefers fashionably fluid facades.
