Friday Finds


What do you have on the agenda for this weekend? I have some work on the schedule, but fall is a slower season for me. So, I’m looking forward to trying out a new slow cooker recipe, maybe raking some leaves, and definitely watching a movie or two. Oh, and voting! We receive mail-in ballots here in Washington State, and they arrived yesterday. Can’t wait to send mine off. This Presidential race sure has been a wild one. So wild that it’s pretty well drowned out all details about other races. Of course, voting down the ballot is just as important, if not more so. Because I’ve heard relatively little about our local candidates amidst the major campaign madness, some research is in order. I suspect I’ll be spending a good chunk of time working my way through our voter’s pamphlet, which is quite a tome this year. Sounds like I should add a bottle (or two) of wine to the shopping list…


For those of you who are as overwhelmed as I am by all of the aforementioned political drama these days, I give you 15 Tiny Animals Wearing Tiny Sweaters. Because we could all use a little more Awwwww… in our lives. Hang in there – only 18 more days to go!!


I stumbled across Brian Dettmer’s TED Talk this week and am now obsessed with his book art. Known as the Book Surgeon, Dettmer uses surgical tools like knives, scalpels, and tweezers to breathe new life into old books – as well as maps, albums, and cassette tapes – transforming them into intricate sculptures that “expose new relationships of the book’s internal elements.” Amazing.


One of my first jobs was with the Seattle Chamber Music Society coordinating classical concerts in public spaces for audiences under forty – a program known as Under Forte. (Har.) Despite the cheesy name, these salon-style concerts were so cool. We held them in art galleries, retail spaces, and private homes. Alas, they never gained a great deal of traction. Fast-forward to the Uber Era, and now there’s an Uber (sort of) for classical music – Groupmuse. This online social network connects young classical musicians to local audiences through concert house parties. If you live in NYC, Boston, San Francisco, or…Seattle!…I encourage you to check it out.

In other random news… Pringles Has Already Announced This Year’s Holiday Flavors. Am I the only person who had no idea Pringles offers holiday flavors?!?

Now Reading

To the First Lady, With Love – by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Gloria Steinem, Jon Meacham, and Rashida Jones (T Magazine)

Now Watching

13th (Netflix) – Ava DuVernay’s documentary about the 13th Amendment

Now Listening

Gaga’s new album just dropped, and I’ll get to it, but I can’t seem to stop listening to Saint Motel. (Spotify)

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